
When you receive a visitor, you receive a blessing!

“If you receive a visitor, you receive a blessing”. That is what the Muhaya, the people in the Kagera region believe and live out. And truly, I agree. We have received many visitors in the last few years. And all of them have been a blessing, all of them have left an impact. One of our last visitors were no exemption… From painting the dispensary, over building a mud house, giving out scholastic materials, building a tree house for our kids, helping at the medical outreach and surprising us with a huuuuge donation…. All those blessings they brought to us. Thank you so much Beat and Christine (and everyone who supported them/us during fundraising) for the heart you have for the people in Kibanga and for Maisha Mema! Asante sana!!

"If you receive a visitor, you receive a blessing". That is what the Muhaya, the people in the Kagera region believe and live out. And truly, I agree. We have received many visitors in the last few years. And all of them have been a blessing, all of them have left an impact. One of our last visitors were no exemption... From painting the dispensary, over building a mud house, giving out scholastic materials, building a tree house for our kids, helping at the medical outreach and surprising us with a huuuuge donation.... All those blessings they brought to us. Thank you so much Beat and Christine (and everyone who supported them/us during fundraising) for the heart you have for the people in Kibanga and for Maisha Mema! Asante sana!!

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Bank details

Bank: Raiffeisenbank Werdenberg

IBAN: CH59 8080 8006 2156 6233 3

Clearing: 81251

for: Maisha Mema Foundation Tanzania, Wiesenstrasse 15, 9472 Grabs

You will receive in January/ February of the following year a donation receipt for your tax declaration.
In order to have a minimum of administrative cost we will acknowledge only donations over 300 swiss Franc with a letter.

Bank details Tanzania:
Account Number: 0150226064900

LIPA NUMBER: 5147685, Name: Maisha Mema Foundation Tanzania